Scrolling text for youtube live mac
Scrolling text for youtube live mac

scrolling text for youtube live mac

scrolling text for youtube live mac

  • Improvement – Add menu access for OLE scripting API.
  • Improvement – Add System Output to audio output devices on macOS.
  • Improvement – Add option to color the title bar of every shot on each master layer in the preferences.
  • Improvement – XKeys Controller: Color the Title bar of shots to match the color of XKeys Controller.
  • #Scrolling text for youtube live mac windows

    Improvement – Add Recent, Frequent, Open Empty Document and Open Support Assistant to the Windows Taskbar right-click icon on Windows.Improvement – Indicate Streaming Status in the Taskbar Icon.Improvement – Always restore previously selected folder when adding media files.Improvement - Warn user if classic mode (theme) is enabled.This change improves responsiveness in the UI when modifying complex shots in preview. Improvement - Rendering performance increased by improving lock usage.This eliminates the need to clear preferences to exit the endless loop. Improvement - If “Open last document on startup” is used and a document fails to load, a dialog appears on next launch to contact support.Improvement - Drag and Drop of File assets for Edit Panels Shot Layer Table.Improvement - Allow 'Enter' key to add shot in add source UI.Improvement - Added option to run in "Safe Mode" – Hold down the CTRL+SHIFT keys during launch - allows user to determine if clearing preferences fixes a launch problem without clearing preferences yet.Improvement – Add drag image to shot bin on Windows.Improvement – Disable preview throttling for front most document when app is front most.

    scrolling text for youtube live mac

    Improvement – Add ability to drag shot layers in the shot layers table.Improvement – Add preview/live status indicators to clear layers.

    Scrolling text for youtube live mac